速報APP / 音樂與音效 / SoundMosaic Audio Books Podcast Music

SoundMosaic Audio Books Podcast Music





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



聯絡地址:2455 West 2nd Ave #305 Vancouver, BC V6K 1J5

SoundMosaic Audio Books Podcast Music(圖1)-速報App

Sound Mosaic has the audio book, podcast and music control features that you are missing in the Google Play Music app.

Sound Mosaic provides quick and easy access to free audio books and podcasts and can play music on your phone SD card.

With the SoundMosaic Text Message Reader you can listen to incoming text messages (SMS, email, WhatsApp, Telegram...) and send a short reply (Voice Message reply or Text reply).

Sound Mosaic can also read to you text documents, books or the latest news.

SoundMosaic makes it very easy to transfer audio books, podcasts and music to your Android Wear Smartwatch and play them directly from your watch so that you do not have to carry a phone when you are going for a run or to the gym.

Just open in the Phone app SoundMosaic the Playlist "Smartwatch Music" or "Smartwatch Podcasts" and add the tracks that you want to transfer to your watch.

Pair a Bluetooth Headset with the watch and listen to your podcasts without a phone.

The SoundMosiac Watchface allows quick and easy audio control directly from the watchface.

Using the SoundMosiac Watchface Complications you can also design your own Audio Control Watchface.

With your Smartwatch you can also remote control phone apps like Audible, Spotify, Google Play Music, Podcast Addict ... and switch seamlessly from one app to another without pulling out your phone.

SoundMosaic Audio Books Podcast Music(圖2)-速報App

Fast-Forward a podcast episode, switch from a Music Playlist to an Audio Book, listen to incoming text messages and send a voice or text reply... without touching your phone, just using the Previous, Next, Play buttons of your Bluetooth Headset, your Smartwatch or the Bluetooth buttons in your car.

Making a selection is as easy as switching the channel on your car stereo.

You do not have to talk to your phone.

Just listen to the menu options and use the Previous, Next, Play buttons to make a selection.

This works great with Bluetooth Headphone control buttons, Smartwatch or with Bluetooth buttons in your car.

Single click Previous/Next to rewind/fast forward a Podcast or double click Previous/Next to go to the next Podcast episode.

SoundMosaic remembers the last play position so that you can resume an audio book or podcast where you left off.

If you haven't played any music for a longer time, the Android Power Conservation system may have put Sound Mosaic into sleep mode.

You should be able to wake it up again by pressing the Play button on your Bluetooth Headset. Just give it some time to wake up (press Play, wait 5 seconds, press Play, wait 5 seconds...).

More detailed user guide:

SoundMosaic Audio Books Podcast Music(圖3)-速報App



* Free Audio Books and Podcasts

* Play Music on Phone SD card

* Store and Play Music on Smartwatch

* Listen to Text Messages

(SMS, email, WhatsApp ...)

* Send Voice or Text reply

* Listen to Text Documents and Books

* Listen to Latest News

SoundMosaic Audio Books Podcast Music(圖4)-速報App

* Previous, Next, Play, Rewind, Fast Forward

* Music Playlists, Smart Shuffle, Random Music

* Edit Play Order

* Remember last play position

* Bookmarks and Notes

* Chromecast Audio Books, Podcasts

* Chromecast Music on Phone SD card

* Chromecast Photos on Phone SD card

Privacy, Permissions, Disclaimer:

You will not be able to use the app SoundMosaic without granting all requested Android Permissions.

SoundMosaic Audio Books Podcast Music(圖5)-速報App

Voice Messages are only available for 3 days and are then automatically deleted.

Do NOT use SoundMosaic to transmit sensitive information. Use it at your own risk.

SoundMosaic Audio Books Podcast Music(圖6)-速報App